I got up early and drove all morning, about 375 miles, through Texas. The drive was really cool; a far cry from the drive through Arkansas a day earlier. It really is a shame I can't take pictures while I'm driving - there are two things I would have liked to record. The first are the ranches that I passed. The whole interstate from Texarkana into Dallas is dotted on either side by these old-school style cattle ranches and farms, complete with the big front gates that have the ranch names written across the top. Passing them put me in mind of old cowboy movies and really made me
feel like I was in Texas.
The other thing I wish I could have photographed is Lake Ray Hubbard. I am headed west on 30, getting closer to Dallas, when the highway rises a bit; then, just as I hit the crest of the hill I see this beautiful blue water on both sides of the interstate ahead, probably doubly beautiful because I didn't know it was coming. I think I actually had an audible reaction as I came over the top of the hill and the lake came into view. The highway passes through the lake for what seems like several miles - on the north side, the blue water is calm and still, in sharp contrast to the green-blue water on the south side where the foamy white crests of waves in the choppy water are visible. I had no idea until I got to Austin and was able to look it up what body of water it is that I had driven through, but it was certainly one of the most beautiful things I have seen since I left New York, and although I don't have pictures I won't soon forget it.

After I got to Austin and got settled in my friend Stuart (a buddy from back in my Richmond days) picked me up at my hotel in the late afternoon and we headed over to 6th Street. If you don't know anything about Austin, 6th Street is this stretch of blocks downtown which is entirely populated with bars, restaurants, funky shops, and the occasional tattoo/body-piercing parlor. Mom will be pleased to know that I didn't take advantage of the opportunity to acquire any body art; I did, however, take advantage of the opportunity to consume a few adult beverages. This was actually necessary to stay cool, as Texas is HOT - it had to be at least 100 degrees in the shade. We started at Coyote Ugly, and after a few beers headed to a place called The Iron Cactus for what Stu promised would be some really good Tex-Mex. H

e didn't lie - the food was fantastic. Thank God these hotels I'm staying in have fitness centers, otherwise I'd be coming back to NY a much larger woman. Anyway - unfortunately I didn't get a lot of pics at 6th Street; there was one pic I didn't want to miss, though - and that was of the sign outside one of Stu's favorite bars (left). I had a feeling a certain godchild of mine in Richmond might enjoy seeing it and knowing that when I was here in Austin I was thinking of her and her sisters.

After we left 6th, Stu took me to another bar that he said is one of his favorites in Austin, a place called Vivo. Vivo is a really cool bar; and outside there is this gorgeous deck just covered with lush greenery; walking through the deck is like walking through a jungle. There are also fans blowing cool mist from high above onto the patrons, just like they do on the streets in Las Vegas - because, believe me, Texas is HOT. Stu and I hung out here for a bit, before we headed back into the city. We stopped at the Capitol building, which is really beautiful when its all lit up at night. Apparently, the Austin Capitol building is bigger than the Capitol building in DC, and I'll be honest, much more impressive. Unfortunately, my pics don't do it justice so I won't post them here. Anyway, after this brief stop Stu took me to the last bar of the night - a REAL Texas-style bar called The Mean-Eyed Cat Bar. The bar is exactly how you would picture a Texas ro

adside bar to be - with rough looking bartenders (and some rough-looking patrons, too!). The place was filled with pics of Johnny Cash inside (see left). We sat outside, because by now it was pretty late and the weather had cooled to the more reasonable high 80s. We had a blast catching up, and even got a surprise call from our buddy Kristin in DC (hi Fontenots!!). All in all, it was a great night. Stu is an awesome tour guide (and drinking buddy) - I'm looking forward to when he visits NYC again, so that I can return the favor.
Now, the challenge...can you find a bar as "unique" as the Mean-Eyed Cat in NYC when I come to visit! Miss ya already!
We love you Aunt Peggy! We are thinking of you too! Shannon, Maggie Mae, Caty and Maeve!
Peggy... watch out for Mean Eye Cat Spotted Fever... are you getting sick of my comments yet???
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